Thursday, December 22, 2016

Anti-Corruption, Business Ethics and Professional Conduct

Written by: Mohamed Sanih, Gn. Fuvamulah, Maldives

This was my first article for a resort staff newsletter and I hope by sharing, people will find it useful and helpful. I will give a brief introduction into “Anti-Corruption, Business Ethics and Professional Conduct”.

I would like to give you some clues on how to conduct yourself professionally, which adhere to anti-corruption and business ethics in general.

Organization ethical culture need to have an open door and honest policy by always doing the right thing to deliver results.

A successful business relationship whether with work colleagues or with other stakeholders will always depend on honesty and integrity of the individual and which will reflect back on the organization that person is working.

All employees need to have thorough knowledge of the codes and procedures of the company and corporate head office policy, including employee code of ethics and conduct. There should be a continuous commitment to use good judgment and common sense in trying to do the right thing and always work in the best interests of the company.

The term integrity is defined in this article as:

Having the best ethical standards, showing honesty, respect for your fellow colleagues & stakeholders and open communication (not hiding or keeping things secret which can prove detrimental or damaging to the organization).

The best Code of Conduct which I came across was from InterContinental Group, where they ask these simple questions, which if answered properly in your conscience, you will know whether it is something right or wrong?

They are as follows:

Is it Legal?

Is it Ethical?

Is it Safe?

Is it consistent with the Code and IHG’s policies and procedures?

Is it consistent with our Winning Ways?

Would I be comfortable explaining it to my friends and family?

How would I feel if it was made public in the newspapers or online?

Further, workers should not misuse, own or sell anything (including but not limited to information, confidential matters etc.) which is a property or asset of the company.

In short if I were to summarize “what is Anti-Corruption and Business Ethics?’

I would conclude by saying that it is always doing the right thing, by using your common sense and judgment on doing what is right. What you feel and what your conscience tell you to do which is the right thing.

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