Friday, March 2, 2018

Maldives Travel Agency Registration Procedure


Prerequisite Checklist

Operating Travel Agency included in the Memorandum of Association

All shareholders/Partners are Maldivian Citizens

Business name registered in the Maldives

Memorandum of the Company does not state foreigners to be the share holders of the company.

Completing submitting the forms

Copy of Registration, Articles and Memorandum of Association of Company

ID card copies of all shareholders and Directors

Official document confirming the Shareholders and Directors of the company if different from the registration documents

Partnership, copy of Registration and Partnership Agreement

ID card copies of all partners

Official document confirming the current partners if different form the Partnership Agreement

Business name registration from the Ministry of Economic Development (MED)

Original of previous license (applicable for renewal)

Processing & Payment Fees

No fees required

Once all the documents are complete and approved, MOT will call for an inspection to check the travel agency office.

After conducting an inspection of the office if the travel agency complies with the mandatory standards of the Ministry, then the license will be processed.

Collection of the Registration Certificate & Other Documents

The Ministry will call the operator to collect the license.

Check the license certificate for verification and if any problem is noticed, please consult a registration unit staff.

How to Registering a Guesthouse in Maldives?


Prerequisite Checklist

All shareholders/Partners are Maldivian Citizens
Memorandum of the Company does not state foreigners to be the share holders of the company.
If guest house is Operated by a company the Memorandum of Association should include guest house operation
Business name registered at Ministry of Economic development or Local Council

Completing submitting the forms

If the operator is a company need to submit the following documents:
Copy of Registration, Articles and Memorandum of Association of Company
ID card copies of all shareholders and Directors
Official document confirming the Shareholders and Directors of the company if different from the registration documents
Partnership, copy of Registration and Partnership Agreement
ID card copies of all partners
Official document confirming the current partners if different form the Partnership Agreement

Original of previous license

If the operator is other than the owner, a copy of the lease/management agreement. (There should be a clause in the agreement allowing for the use of the premises as a guesthouse)
If the operator is an individual copy of the National ID card
Permission from the relevant Government Authority to use the building as a Tourist Guesthouse
A copy of registry of the building
A copy of whole cover insurance of the building
If a Restaurant is operating in the Guesthouse need to submit the relevant registrations from the relevant Government Authorities

Processing & Payment Fees

A registration charge of MRF 5000 for all new Guesthouse registrations
Once all the documents are complete and approved, Ministry will call for an inspection to check the guesthouse.
After conducting an inspection of the guesthouse and if the guesthouse complies with the mandatory standards of the Ministry, then the license will be processed.

Collection of the Registration Certificate & Other Documents

The Ministry will call the operator to collect the license.
Check the license certificate for verification and if any problem is noticed, please consult a registration unit staff on

How to Register an Hotel in Maldives?


Prerequisite Checklist

  • Operating Tourist Hotel included in the Memorandum of Association.
  • Business name registration.

Completing submitting the forms

If the operator is a company need to submit the following documents:

  • Copy of Registration, Articles and Memorandum of Association of Company.
  • ID card copies of all shareholders and Directors.
  • Official document confirming the Shareholders and Directors of the company if different from the registration documents.
  • Partnership, copy of Registration and Partnership Agreement.
  • ID card copies of all partners.
  • Official document confirming the current partners if different form the Partnership Agreement

Original of previous license

  • If the operator is other than the owner, a copy of the lease/management agreement. (There should be a clause in the agreement allowing for the use of the premises as a tourist hotel).
  • If the operator is an individual copy of the National ID card.
  • If the operator is a foreign individual copy of Passport, Work Permit and Visa.
  • Permission from the relevant Government Authority to use the building as a Tourist Hotel.
  • A copy of registration certificate for land and building.
  • A copy of whole cover insurance of the building.
  • If a Restaurant is operating in the Guesthouse need to submit the relevant registrations from the relevant Government Authorities.

Processing & Payment Fees

  • A registration charge of MRF 10, 000 for all new Tourist Hotel registrations.
  • Once all the documents are complete and approved, Ministry will call for an inspection to check the guesthouse.
  • After conducting an inspection of the tourist hotel and if the tourist hotel complies with the mandatory standards of the Ministry, then the license will be processed.

Collection of the Registration Certificate & Other Documents.

  • The Ministry will call the operator to collect the license.
  • Check the license certificate for verification and if any problem is noticed, please consult a registration unit staff.