Monday, November 28, 2016

Role of the Non-Executive Director in an organization - Higgs Report (ACCA P1 Paper: Governance, Risk and Ethics)

By: Mohamed Sanih, Gn. Fuvamulah, Maldives

What is the role of the Non-Executive Director in an organization?

A non-executive directors is a member of the board of directors and who is not involved in the day to day running or operations of the company and are not part of the executive member team of the organization.

However, they are involved in overall strategic planning, policy making of the company with the same legal obligations, responsibilities and liabilities if an incident should occur as is the case with the executive directors.

Non executive should be seen and should operate independently and in some countries are called independent directors and they mainly operate in an advisory capacity and are not full time employees of the company.

Students studying the ACCA P1 Paper: Governance, Risk and Ethics, will find the below useful in their revision studies.

For easy remembrance once again i am going to use a synonym which can be as the following:


Role of the Non-Executive Director are as follows:

Non-Executive Directors should:

C: Contribute and challenge the organizational strategy for it's continued success.

S: Satisfy themselves that the there is adequate internal controls and risk management system in place. And also that the financial information generated by the organization is accurate.

S: Scrutinize management performance and monitor the reporting of performance for meeting agreed goals and objectives.

R: Responsible for the remuneration of Executive Directors and have a major role in contractual and disciplinary measures if necessary to be taken against executive directors. And are primarily involved in removing, appointing senior management and succession planning. Also, hold executive directors to account for their actions and to represent the shareholder interest.

The following quote is taken directly from Derek Higgs Report: 

"The role of the non-executive director is frequently described as having two principal components: monitoring executive activity and contributing to the development of strategy. Both Cadbury and Hampel identified a tension between these two elements.

A number of consultation responses identified the personal attributes required of the effective non-executive director. They are founded on:

• integrity and high ethical standards
• sound judgement;
• the ability and willingness to challenge and probe; and
• strong interpersonal skills."


Please, note of the below

In April 2002 Derek Higgs was appointed to lead an independent review of the role and effectiveness of non-executive directors. Derek Higgs published his report on 20th January 2003. The FRC published good practice suggestions from the report in June 2006; this guidance has since been withdrawn and replaced by the FRC Guidance on Board Effectiveness.

Sources on Corporate Governance:

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Role of the Chairman in an Organization - Derek Higgs Report

By: Mohamed Sanih, Gn. Fuvamulah, Maldives

What is the Role of the Chairman in an Organization?

There should be a clear division of control between both executive and non-executive directors at the board level. And no particular set of individuals should dominate or exercise power over the other group.

The Chairman should provide leadership to the board and there should be a clear cut division of responsibilities & duties between the CEO and the chairman.

The UK Corporate Governance Code, recommends that a clear division should be established between the position of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and the Chairman.

Chairman is the person charged with providing leadership to the Board and utilize the talents contributed by the Board members.

Best corporate governance practices suggests that the chairman should be an non-executive independent director and also should not be the CEO of the organization.

Chairman lends a balance to the Board by being it's independent head while the CEO is often the person to be involved directly in the operations & execution plans of the company.

An independent chairman is very important to the successful implementation of good corporate governance practices at the board of directors level.

To be an successful independent chairman international corporate governance practices states that the chairman should not have worked previously as the CEO of the organization.

The role of the Chairman can be defined best by the synonym (RAISE DIP) for the ACCA P1 Paper: Governance, Risk and Ethics.

The best description can be found in Derek Higgs Report and they can be summarized as follows:

R: Run or leadership of the board and effectiveness of the board to set their roles and agenda.

A: Accurate, timely and clear information to the Board of Directors.

I: Information facilitating & contribution of the non-executive directors.

S: Self sufficiency in performing complex and difficult decisions.

E: Effective communication between executive and non-exectuive directors (NEDS) and also with the shareholders.

D: Develop and process the needs of both executive and non-exectuive directors.

I: Induction and training programs for the Board of Directors.

P: Performance evaluation of the Directors.

I am keeping this article short as this will be the first in a series to come in the future.


Please, note of the below

In April 2002 Derek Higgs was appointed to lead an independent review of the role and effectiveness of non-executive directors. Derek Higgs published his report on 20th January 2003. The FRC published good practice suggestions from the report in June 2006; this guidance has since been withdrawn and replaced by the FRC Guidance on Board Effectiveness.

Sources on Corporate Governance:

Friday, November 25, 2016

Audit Committee - Role and function within an organization

By: Mohamed Sanih, Gn.Fuvamulah, Maldives 

Dear Readers,

What is the role and function of the Audit Committee within an organization?

The role and function of the Audit Committee can be defined best by the synonym (CLARISSA) from the ACCA P1 Paper: Governance, Risk and Ethics:

The below is an summary transcript of each without an broader definition:


C: Create a an environment of discipline and control

L: Lend accuracy and truthfulness and credibility in the financial statements.

A: Assisting the Finance Head or Chief Financial Officer in providing a forum of communication.

R: Review and check the financial statements for quality control and accuracy.

I: Independent Review & Judgement

S: Strengthen the position of the Internal Auditor within the company and provide support to their concerns and needs and provide such information to the concerned stakeholders in an transparent manner.

S: Strengthen the position of the External Auditor within the company and provide support to their concerns and needs and provide such information to the concerned stakeholders in an transparent manner.

A: Assist in any disputes between the External Auditors and the Board of Directors and provide solution in relation to such matters.

I am keeping this article short as this will be the first in a series to come in the future.

Sources on Corporate Governance:

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

What is Corporate Governance and the Key Concepts in Corporate Governance?

By: Mohamed Sanih, Gn. Fuvamulah, Maldives

Dear Readers,

Corporate governance is a systematic way in which most companies are controlled and directed for the interests of all stakeholders and the ultimate the owners of the company, the shareholders.

What are the Key Concepts in Corporate Governance?

The key concepts in corporate governance can be defined best by the synonym (HAIR DRIFT) from the ACCA P1 Paper: Governance, Risk and Ethics

Honesty or (Probity): Create a culture of honesty & ethical stance within the organization.

Accountability: Providing comprehensive information to all concerned stakeholders and effective risk management within the organization.

Integrity: Have a high standard of strict moral and ethical values or codes.

Responsibility: Having a clear responsibility for corporate governance decisions and the clarification of individual roles and responsibilities.

Decision Taking: Take clear cut decisions to improve the wealth of an organization.

Reputation: Maintain a culture to develop reputation and moral stance and also to comply with the corporate governance concepts.

Independence: There should not be a conflict of interest between the executive directors and non-executive directors. NED's or non-excutive directors should be fully free and independent to make their decisions within the organization.

Fairness: All stakeholders should be dealt ethically and equal by the organization and should take into account their legitimate interests.

Transparency: Organization agents or directors should have an honest and open relationship with all stakeholders in their decision making process. And provide full disclosure of all material matters (whether financial or non-financial) which concern the company and this should be done in a ethical and transparent manner.

I am keeping this article short as this will be the first in a series to come in the future.

Sources on Corporate Governance:

Sunday, November 20, 2016

What is the Role of the Cost Controller within the Maldives Hotel or Resort Sector?

By: Mohamed Sanih, Gn. Fuvamulah, Maldives

Dear Readers,

The role or function of the Cost Controller is quite complex and sometimes requires a varying degree of flexibility of active and passive roles of duties & functions within the resort.

This is not an finance job where you simply sit in your seat and work on figures, this job requires you to be both physically active and needs regular spot checks, inspections and control of the total resort inventory process.

The Cost Controller is an divisional head within the finance department, and in most scenarios reports directly to the resort Director of Finance.

He is also the head of all Stores personnel and Head Storekeeper or in some resorts the Material Controller will report directly to the Cost Controller.

He has the power to question the Executive Chef or F&B Director / Manager in the resort in relation to the wastage of company resources or the controlling of costs for F&B meals, F&B drinks, spoilage and  breakages etc.

Ultimately, he will prepare a Daily, Weekly and Monthly F&B Cost Reports for both Staff and Guest and will question the Executive Chef or F&B Manager if the actual F&B costs exceed the resort budgeted figures.

The Cost Controller is also responsible for undertaking spot check inventory, monthly inventory, reconciliation of monthly inventory balances with co-ordination and support of the finance & stores personnel.

He is also responsible to co-ordinate with the Housekeeping Department and Stewarding personnel to ensure all linen, crockery, cutlery stocks are properly accounted, recorded and verified to ensure they are done in accordance to company policies and procedures.

He also needs to check the fish supplies delivered to the resort in co-ordination with the Executive Chef to make sure spoilage or non-standard fish stocks are not purchased by the resort and that such purchases are done in accordance to accepted company policy.

The Cost Controller, will also visit the Supply Dhoni on delivery days with co-ordination with the resort purchasing personnel and make sure of the following:

1) Meat stocks are kept under the proper temperature, (If temperature is not working, co-ordinate with engineering dept. technician to fix such issues)
2) Veggies & Fruits are kept under the proper temperature.
3) Other stocks delivered to the resort in the supply dhoni are in proper condition.
4) Supply is unloaded and delivered to the resort stores properly under accepted policies and procedures.
5) Receiving Officer from Stores does his task properly.
6) Chief Storekeeper is also present to check & unload the supply dhoni process.

The Cost Controller is also responsible to make sure to control two types of inventory, one the is the operational inventory, which is the F&B stocks and the other is the:

1) Stocks used by Housekeeping, example: Linen & Housekeeping Inventory;
2) Stocks used by Resort Spa, e.g. Spa Ointments, Creams & Lotions etc.
3) Stocks used by Stewarding, e.g. Crockery, Cutlery etc.

The latter such as Linen and Crockery Cutlery inventory is not taken on a monthly process, but mostly on a quarterly basis or 6 month basis based on the resort policies & procedures. However, he is responsible to do the monthly reconciliation for these stocks on a monthly basis regardless of whether the physical count is taken on a qaurterly basis.

The reconciliation process for F&B Stocks normally involves:

Scenario 01

Opening Inventory Balance:      1,000
+ Purchases During the Month: 1,500
- Consumption During the Month: (400)
- Spoilage during the Month: (100)
Should be Closing Balance: 2,000

Physical Count for the Month should be equal to 2,000 or need to check, question the storekeeper and or reconcile to the 2,000 and find out the reason for such discrepancies or variances.

Strict action should be taken for any misuse for F&B stocks and reports should be made to the Director of Finance for proper action and follow up.

In theory, this seems very easy and sounds and looks easy but in reality it is an total different picture, since the resort is operating 24/7 and purchases is happening daily and supply stocks seems to arrive on a daily or weekly or bi-weekly basis. So when you do the month end inventory process, you have to be careful not to mix up these factors and have a proper cut-off time factor.


If we take the above scenario 01:

What if we receive an supply dhoni stocks on the last day of the month or 02 days before month end, what do we do then?

Do we consider this in the current month end balance or do we take it to the next month end balance?

How will this affect the physcial stock count? When is my cut-off date? How will this affect or complicate the inventory process?

When do the receiving officer stop updates the system or carry forward such balance to next month? When is the cut-off time?

The physcial stock count will always change considering the daily purchases and supply dhoni deliveries which happens on a weekly or bi-weekly basis depending on the resort location and distance.

Therefore, it is very important to have a proper cut-off, time schedule and co-ordination for the month end inventory process.

The reconciliation process for Linen and Crockery, Cutlery Stocks normally involves:

Scenario 02

Opening Inventory Balance:      1,000
+ Purchases During the Month: 1,500
- Breakages during the Month: (500)
Should be Closing Balance: 2,000

Physical Count for the Month should be equal to 2,000 or need to check, question the storekeeper and or reconcile to the 2,000 and find out the reason for such discrepancies or variances.

Strict action should be taken for any misuse of Linen and Crockery, Cutlery Stocks and reports should be made to the Director of Finance for proper action and follow up.

All spoilage and breakage reports should be prepared in accordance to hotel policies & procedures and should be duly signed & approved.

Below is an Generic Overview list of the Duties & Responsibilites of the Cost Controller within the Maldives Resort Industry:

  1. Look after the day to day operations of Cost Control and Main Stores.
  2. Prepare monthly food and beverage cost control reports and other journals related to food & beverage and other expenses. 
  3. Regular and frequent spot checks of the outlets. 
  4. Observation during supply days, such as weekly supply and check the necessary spoilage reports prepared by storekeeper. 
  5. Comparison of the market list against the stock on hand of the items in the stock. 
  6. Verify all processes relevant to the receiving and issuing procedures in respect of all main store stock items. 
  7. Make price comparison report for all the items purchased.
  8. Prepare necessary SOP’s for cost control, stores and purchasing function, where necessary and required, upon approval by FC. 
  9. Organize and attend all outlet and stores inventories & check it against the system reports.
  10. Prepare any reports, which are requested by the Executive Chef and F&B Manager.
  11. Supervision of all the work and duties of the cost controller assistant and storekeepers / assistants.
  12. Monitor slow moving and non-moving items and send out such reports to all concerned departments. 
  13. Create the necessary reports, which is relating to Cost Control function. 
  14. Check daily receiving report against invoice and purchase order and ensure the invoices for the month are posted in the same day without delay. 
  15. Ensure all inter/outlet department transfers are done properly in the inventory management system. 
  16. Prepare costing for the recipes and menus done by the Executive Chef and F&B Director / Manager. 
  17. Account for all spoilages and make sure they are properly accounted and recorded. 
  18. Get the details and Analyze all officer checks, ENT check or get this report from the income or night auditor and post such details to relevant cost accounts 
  19. Prepare month end Journals for Food, Beverage and Other Costs 
  20. Physically present and supervised the receiving of all items from supply jetty to the stores
  21. Monitors and analyses monthly operating results against budget and informs the Senior Accountant or Financial Controller of any anomalies. 
  22. Assists the Financial Controller in the preparation of financial outlooks and forecasts.
  23. Plans, organizes and implements accounting operations and objectives; coordinates and integrates all activities toward achievement of established goals and objectives.
  24. Supervises, trains and evaluates accounting professionals, and entry level accounting and support staff. 

This article maybe further expanded later, but this is an overview and some of the decisions which i faced and had to undergo while working as a Cost Controller, in a reputable resort within the Maldives resort sector.

Your comments and feedback is always welcome. I will include your insight as well, if this will further enrich the job, role and scope of this function.

Many Thanks & Regards,
Mohamed Sanih, Gn. Fuvamulah

Friday, November 18, 2016

Role of the Income Auditor or Revenue Controller within the Maldives hospitality or resort sector?

By: Mohamed Sanih, Gn. Fuvamulah, Maldives

Dear Readers,

This is my first article on the linkedin platform and i would appreciate your feed back and comments on the role of this position within the Maldives hotel / resort sector.

I felt there isn't much written about this position so i took it upon by self to shed some light on to this matter.

The Income Auditor is responsible for: 

To audit and verify all revenue transactions, record them and prepare daily and monthly sales and other reports for management according to hotel policies and procedures.

The normal scope of work performed is quite analytical and sometimes mechanical in nature.

Further, some hotels in the Maldives, the position of night auditor, day auditor, income auditor and sometimes even accounts receivable functions is combined depending on the resort size, number of rooms, average guest occupancy and resort star status.

The normal scope and work performed includes but is not limited to:

Audit all revenue transactions for techniques consistency, and methods used to meet hotel's standards and local policies and procedures. Examine all the transactions for accuracy and ensure the trials tally.

This involves but not necessarily exhaustive: 

i. Audit all outlet reports and tally them with Opera for accuracy. Check that genuine discounts are given.

ii. Control and reconcile the daily sales in the outlets.

iii. Audit F&B and all other hotel revenue generated and ensure the accuracy.

iv. Audit the credit card transactions for accuracy. Ensure the POS details summary reports agree with Opera.

v. Check the authenticity of all FO paid outs/rebates and outlet rebates and verify for accuracy.

vi. Controls together with Credit Supervisor on daily basis PM and permanent folios.

vii. Audit all administrative PM folios and lost interface posting charges. Analyze and transfer them to respective accounts/folios.

viii. Perform month end closing and ensure that the trial balance agree with general ledger.

ix. Prepares daily and monthly revenue reports for the management.

x. Reconcile third party revenue with Opera & Micros and do their final settlements (including those for Dive Center & Gift Shop).

xi. Finalize the monthly staff PM deductions for each month (including those for third parties like dive instructors)

xii. Check the Daily Bicycle Rental revenue posted by FO into Opera and report any discrepancy.

xiii. Check the Daily Excursion Revenue posted by FO into Opera and identify & report any discrepancies to immediate superiors for corrective action.

xiv. Train Front Office Reception staff in relation to Opera postings, accounting or system related issues, No Show Procedure, etc.

xv. Prepare the Month End Tips Reports for all outlets.

xvi. Check the Bed Tax Report and any non-updating communicate with Front Office for updating and send the final report to Asst. Dir. of Finance / Dir. of Finance.

xvii. Prepare any report or work requested by Dir. of Finance.

xviii. Check the accuracy of all revenue figures; identify and obtain explanations from respective personnel for reason for variances.

xix. Check the Spa Soft report and Opera revenue figures match up on a daily basis.

Additional duties, includes ensuring that: 

i. The trial balance should tally with that of Opera

ii. The Night Auditor figures should tally with the Daily Revenue Report & Opera Trial Balance.

iii. Micros Revenue Reports should tally with the Daily Revenue Report & Opera Trial Balance.

iv. Make physical spot check in all outlets.

v. Submit daily rebates, paid outs and any other PM Master folios, reports to Director of Finance for review and approval.

vi. Maintain proper filing and record retention and is familiar with Income Audit policies and procedures.

vii. Be familiar completely with hotel systems P.M.S., P.O.S. ( Opera, Micros, Sun System)

viii. Check Micros and Opera reports for accuracy and unusual transactions. Verify and audit all adjustments and corrections.

ix. Carry out any other accounting work assigned by Director of Finance.

x. Be familiar with hotel Income audit Finance policies.

Further Responsibilities Include: 

i. Responsibilities include analyzing the night audit work for accuracy and completeness, verifying allowances and miscellaneous postings for proper authorization and coding and preparing the daily revenue report.

ii. Responsible for all daily income of the Hotel;

iii. On a daily basis, verify that the daily-created Opera night audit spool files are working

iv. Correctly and closely audit the trial balance. Verify that there are no control sums for Guest Ledger, City Ledger and Deposit Ledger. Report any discrepancies to the Director of Finance and investigate the differences.

v. Sort and file all back up received in the night audit files from night receptionist. Liase closely, with night auditor and review night audit work daily for accuracy.

vi. Work closely with Front Office (FO) and Food & Beverage (F&B) to ensure postings are accurate and any discrepancies are resolved in a timely manner.

vii. Create, review and save a daily Gross Revenue Report (GRR) for management by 09:35 AM.

viii. Review all rebates and allowances and ensure they are properly authorized and to report all deviations from prevailing policies and procedures;

ix. Verification of Revenue from Rooms, Food and Beverage and other Operational Departments and rectify any discrepancies;

x. Ensure timely preparation and distribution of daily revenue report;

xi. Verification of all Food and Beverage discounted / complimentary checks are justified, properly recorded into POS system.

The above work scope and job description is based on my previous work experience working in the Maldives hospitality sector and the actual work performed may vary from hotel to hotel or resort to resort and the functions may even be further broken down between the Income Auditor / Day Auditor or Night Auditor functions.

I hope i was able to shed some light and provide some insight into the role of the Income Auditor or Revenue Controller within the Maldives hospitality or resort sector.